Source code for arxivcheck.arxiv

The core module of my example project

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import input
import feedparser
from doi2bib.crossref import get_bib_from_doi
from bibtexparser.bwriter import BibTexWriter
from bibtexparser.bibdatabase import BibDatabase
    from urllib import quote
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import quote
import re
from unidecode import unidecode
bare_url = ""

months = [
    'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct',
    'nov', 'dec']

def ask_which_is(title, items):
    found = False
    result = {}
    question = "\n\tArxiv:{} \n\tIt is \n\t{}\n\t Correct?y(yes)|n(no)|q(quit)"
    for item in items:
        w = input(question.format(
            unidecode(item["title"]), unidecode(title)))
        if w == "y":
            found = True
            result = item
        if w == "q":

    return found, result

[docs]def get_arxiv_info(value, field="id"): """Get arxiv information given Parameters ---------- value : str value of the field field : str the field used for build the query string Returns ------- found : bool True if at least one arxiv has been found items : list of dicts List containing all the arxiv's related with the search query """ found = False items = [] params = "?search_query="+field+":"+quote(unidecode(value)) url = bare_url+params result = feedparser.parse(url) items = result.entries found = len(items) > 0 return found, items
[docs]def add_eprint_to_bib(bib, eprint): """ Insert the eprint information in a given bibtex string Parameters ---------- bib: str The bibtex string without the arxiv number eprint: str The arxiv number Returns ------- bib: str The bibtex string with the arxiv number """ def bibtex_error(): raise RuntimeError("CrossRef returned badly formed BibTeX file.") firstbrace = bib.find('{') if firstbrace == -1: bibtex_error() firstcomma = bib.find(',', firstbrace) if firstcomma == -1: bibtex_error() firstnewline = bib.find('\n', firstcomma) if firstnewline == -1: bibtex_error() bib = (bib[0:firstnewline] + '\n' + ' eprint={' + eprint + '},\n' + ' archiveprefix={arXiv},' + bib[firstnewline:]) return bib
[docs]def generate_bib_from_arxiv(arxiv_item, value, field="id"): """ Parameters ---------- arxiv_item: dict value: str field: str Returns ------- bib: str The bibtex string related with the arxiv item """ # arxiv_cat = arxiv_item.arxiv_primary_category["term"] if field == "ti": journal = "arxiv:" journal += arxiv_item["id"].split("")[1] else: journal = "arxiv:"+value url = title = arxiv_item.title authors = arxiv_item.authors if len(authors) > 0: first_author = authors[0]["name"].split(" ") authors = " and ".join([author["name"] for author in authors]) else: first_author = authors authors = authors published = arxiv_item.published.split("-") year = '' if len(published) > 1: year = published[0] bib = BibDatabase() bib.entries = [ { "journal": journal, "url": url, "ID": year+first_author[0]+journal, "title": title, "year": year, "author": authors, "ENTRYTYPE": "article" } ] bib = BibTexWriter().write(bib) return bib
def get_arxiv_pdf_link(value, field="id"): link = None value = re.sub("arxiv\:", "", value, flags=re.I) found, items = get_arxiv_info(value, field) if found: arxiv_item = items[0] pdf_item = list( filter( lambda i: i["type"] == "application/pdf", arxiv_item.links ) ) found = len(pdf_item) > 0 link = pdf_item[0]["href"] if found else None return found, link
[docs]def check_arxiv_published( value, field="id", get_first=True, keep_eprint=False): """ Parameters ---------- value: str value of the field field: str field used for the arxiv search API get_first: bool keep_eprint: bool If True keep the arxiv number if the paper has already been published Returns ------- found: bool True if found the arxiv item published: bool True if the arxiv has already been published bib: str bibtext string """ found = False published = False bib = "" value = re.sub("arxiv\:", "", value, flags=re.I) found, items = get_arxiv_info(value, field) if found: if field == "ti": title = value.lower().replace(" ", "") for item_arxiv in items: title_arxiv = item_arxiv["title"].lower().replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "") if title_arxiv == title: items = [item_arxiv] break if get_first is False and field == "ti" and len(items) > 1: found, item = ask_which_is(value, items) else: item = items[0] if found: if "arxiv_doi" in item: doi = item["arxiv_doi"] published, bib = get_bib_from_doi(doi) if keep_eprint: eprint = re.split('/|v',item["id"])[-2] bib = add_eprint_to_bib(bib, eprint) else: bib = generate_bib_from_arxiv(item, value, field) else: print("\t\nArxiv not found.") return found, published, bib